What blocks the way to Mindful Conversation?

What blocks the way to Mindful Conversation?

I’ve been away from the blog for a bit. Painful back problems and very busy, but I’ve returned, much better, and glad to be here. In a recent class I taught on Mindful Conversation, we discussed what blocks one from listening and speaking in a more mindful...
Holiday Conversation

Holiday Conversation

photo credit; pixabay.com Thinking About Holiday Conversation The family gathers. Okay,maybe, Aunt Tilly doesn’t show. Friends gather. Okay, at the last minute , Frank calls to say he’s bringing his girl friend, Mabel, but that’s fine, because she...
A Deeply Satisfying Conversation

A Deeply Satisfying Conversation

A Dinner to remember I had the most delicious, three-hour dinner this week with my great friend, L.  The food was fine, but when I say “delicious,” I’m thinking about the conversation. Afterwards, I went home, sank into my favorite chair, closed my...
Staying positive in hard times.

Staying positive in hard times.

photo credit: pixabay.com Just when I thought the news couldn’t get any more absurd, it does; just when I thought the rhetoric designed to turn us all into cynics couldn’t get louder, it does; just when I thought the lies, distortions and conspiracy...