Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Most of us don't think or talk much about Peace of Mind. Perhaps because it seems out of reach, available only to the Mother Theresa's and Mahatma Ghandi's of the world. Not so. The goal of this post is to encourage you to think about, talk about, and work towards...

The Power of Intention for the New Year

The Power of Intention for the New Year

Maximize the Power of Intention for the New Year Resolutions ... Goals ... Intentions It's here. Time to welcome it. 2023. No turning back now. Welcome the year that's here. Galvanize the power of intention for 2023. New Year's resolutions often get a bad rap....

Are you Introvert or Extrovert

Are you Introvert or Extrovert

Introverts and Extroverts Are you an Introvert or an Extrovert? It's a common question. And a dangerous one because it forces you into a false, binary way of thinking. This question is doubly dangerous because it's also an "identity question." How you answer thi...

Listening to Children: A Powerful Communication Tool

Listening to Children: A Powerful Communication Tool

A vital part of Mindful Conversation is communicating effectively with children. We have a guest blog on this topic, by Sybil Grace River. Sybil is currently pursuing further studies, specializing in child psychology. Aside from being a reading volunteer at her local...

Mindful Conversation: The Power of Touch

Mindful Conversation: The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch in Communication Mindful Conversation goes far beyond spoken communication, the traditional territory of ways to improve communication. Consider, for example, Active Listening, perhaps the most widely known strategy for intentional conversation, and...

Gun Safety … How We Talk

Gun Safety … How We Talk

  Guns and Safety Buffalo ...  Uvalde, Texas ... Where did it start?  Where will it end?  Will it end?  Or is this the legacy we leave for our children? I have not lost a child. I can not imagine the pain. But to lose a child in this way. OMG! How can we keep the...

Build a base for Better Communication

Build a base for Better Communication

Build a base for Better Communication Conversation may be the most important life skill that you never studied in school. Is your conversation spinning in circles? Many approaches to better communication are totally skill-focused, restricted to learning tools like...

Covid Era Communication

Covid Era Communication

Communication in the Era of Covid It's never been more challenging to communicate and never more important. Covid affects everything. We don't just bump into people the way we used to. Don't just assume we can talk. Because now there's a screen between me and most of...

Better conversation in a post-Covid world

Better conversation in a post-Covid world

For many of us, the Covid era feels like it's on the wane. 👍 👍 to all those who got their vaccinations as soon as it was possible. We're not out of the woods yet, but we appear to be making good progress (at least in most of the U.S.)  Good conversation was definitely...