Wendy and I on Molokai, HI
Greetings, blog friends and memoirists, from Kalaupapa Valley, Molokai, Hawaii. This is just a chat to let you know where I’ve been and that I’ll be back. The picture says it all. Kalaupapa is reported to be “one of the ten most beautiful spots on the planet.” That, from National Geographic, who should know. Wendy and I were in Napili, Maui for a week with our son and family (delightful), then Up Country, Maui, for a hike on Haleakala, the big volcano (now dormant), then to Kalaupapa. Wendy hiked down; I rode a mule, 1700 ft. elevation drop trail, across 26 switch backs. I remembered from 7th grade, reading the story of Fr. Damien, who gave his heart and ultimately his life, to the leper (now officially known as Hansen’s Disease) colony on Molokai. Compassion and selflessness like that are rare at any time. We toured the remains of the site he built, where 8 patients still live, although leprosy is now (in U.S. at least) completely curable. Very moving. Such peace and beauty. I recommend it highly if you get the chance. The mule ride was … well, that’s a longer conversation. Contact me if you contemplate it.
I’ll be spending the month of May in the S.F. Bay Area, doing an intensive (15 events) book tour, introducing King of Doubt to N. California, via ‘performance readings” in book stores, churches, senior centers, and private homes. If you’re interested, or have friends in Bay Area, please spread the word. Here’s a list of the public events. I’d love to see you there.
Thursday, May 4, 7:00 p.m. Books Inc., 1491 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley. (510) 525-7777, Performance reading and Talk.
Sunday, May 7, 11:00 a.m. Unity Spiritual Center, 2690 Ocean (at 19th Ave.) San Francisco. (415) 566-4122. Reading and Talk, plus afternoon workshop on “Memoir & Mindfulness” at 12:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Monday, May 8, 7:00 p.m Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, (415) 927-0960. Performance reading and Talk.
Thursday, May 11, 4:00 p.m., Barnes and Noble, Santa Rosa, 700 Fourth St., Santa Rosa, (707) 576-7494. Performance reading and Talk.
Saturday, May 13, 2:00 p.m. Barnes and Noble, Hillsdale Shopping Center, 11 W Hillsdale Blvd, San Mateo, (650) 341-5560. Performance reading and Talk
Thursday, May 18. 3:30 p.m. Lake Merritt Senior Living, 1800 Madison St., Oakland, (510) 903-3600. Performance reading and Talk.
Friday, May 19. 2:00 p.m. Barnes and Noble, Chico. 2031 Martin Luther Drive, Chico. (530) 894-1494. Performance reading and Talk.
Saturday, May 20. 5:30 p.m. The Avid Reader, 1945 Broadway, Sacramento. (916) 441-4400. Performance reading and Talk.
Tuesday, May 30. 2:00 p.m. Atria Valley View Senior Living, 1228 Rossmoor Pkwy, Walnut Creek (925) 478-7413. Performance reading and Talk.
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